TA CAC Online Application

The San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) interviews applicants for vacant or upcoming positions on its Community Advisory Committee (CAC) each May. Committee members are asked to serve a three-year term. Members must be residents of San Mateo County.


Are you registered to vote in San Mateo County? (Please note* Applicants must be residents of San Mateo County)
How did you hear about this recruitment?
Optional: Please note that the information you provided on this application will be made available to the public. If you do not want the personal information on the next section disclosed, check the privacy request box. The information will be redacted from the publicly available copies. Where residence is relevant, a portion of the address (such as city and zip code) may be disclosed.
Optional Privacy Request Check Box
* Individuals of diverse ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Optional: You may attach your resume if you wish (limit 2 pages). Only these file types will be accepted: .doc, .docx, .pdf. Resumes provided in connection with your application will be made public. If there is information you do not wish to be made public, please do not include it in your document.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Please upload the highest resolution image available, preferably at least 3000 pixels by 2000 pixels

Thank you for your interest in the Community Advisory Committee.  We appreciate your interest in serving the TA.  Applications are considered active until the end of the next annual recruitment cycle.

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