San Mateo 101 Managed Lanes Project North of I-380
The San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) and City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) in partnership with California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) propose to construct a managed lane in each direction of U.S. 101 between the U.S. 101/I-380 interchange in South San Francisco and the San Mateo/San Francisco County Line.
The project is intended to:
- Encourage carpooling and transit use
- Improve travel time savings and reliability for managed lane users.
- Provide continuity/connectivity with the express lanes south of I-380 to maximize travel time savings along the corridor
- Minimize operational degradation (worsening traffic conditions) of the mixed-use lanes
Existing US 101 Express Lanes
The San Mateo 101 Express Lanes Project is 22 miles of express lanes in both directions on U.S. 101 from the San Mateo County/Santa Clara County Line to I-380 in South San Francisco. The San Mateo 101 Express Lanes seamlessly connect to the express lanes in Santa Clara County.
San Mateo County Express Lanes Joint Powers Authority
The management and operation of the Express Lanes is governed by the San Mateo County Express Lanes Joint Powers Authority (SMCEL JPA), a six-member joint powers authority consisting of three San Mateo County Transportation Authority (SMCTA) Board members and three City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) Board members.

San Mateo 101 Managed Lanes Project North of I-380
San Mateo 101 Managed Lanes Project North of I-380

Existing US 101 Express Lanes
Existing US 101 Express Lanes