Call for Projects

The Measure A Transportation Expenditure Plan and Measure W Congestion Relief Plan provide funding for a multitude of mobility programs in San Mateo County. The San Mateo County Transportation Authority administers the proceeds of Measure A and Measure W sales tax revenue. While some programs are directly provided funding allocations (like the Local Streets and Transportation category), other programs must hold a competitive selection process known as a "Call for Projects" in order to fund projects. The Call for Projects process uses an evaluation criteria either set by the Transportation Authority’s Strategic Plan or as listed in an adopted corresponding short-range planning document. The Highway, Pedestrian & Bicycle, Grade Separation, Shuttle, Alternative Congestion Relief/Transportation Demand Management, and Regional Transit Connections programs must use a competitive Call for Projects process in order to select projects to be funded.

The information provided below summarizes the status of current or upcoming Call for Projects opportunities for each of the applicable programs. Please direct any general questions regarding the Transportation Authority’s Call for Projects to Patrick Gilster, Manager of Programming and Monitoring, at

The 2024 Call for Projects Look Ahead Newsletter has been updated and can be found at the link below:

SMCTA 2024 Call for Projects Look Ahead Updated

Highway Program

Funding Process Overview: The Highway Program Call for Projects is guided by a Short Range Highway Plan (SRHP) that includes a corresponding Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Eligible projects must be included in the 2021-2030 SRHP/CIP (Adopted June 2021) to compete for funding in the Highway Program. Local jurisdictions, San Mateo County, and other potential project sponsors are able to apply for and contend for funding for one project development phase at time. Project applications are scored by an Evaluation Committee using the adopted criteria in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024. Funding recommendations are then presented to the Transportation Authority Board of Directors who approve and program the project awards.

Call for Projects Timeline: The 2023 Highway Program Call for Projects will be released on July 5, 2023 with applications due August 25, 2023. View the 2023 Highway Program Call for Projects page here. 

Past Awards: The previous 2021 Call for Projects were awarded in December 2021. View past Highway Program awards.


Pedestrian & Bicycle Program

Funding Process Overview: The Pedestrian & Bicycle Program Call for Projects allows local jurisdictions, San Mateo County, and other transportation agencies an opportunity to apply for and contend for funding. Project applications are scored by an Evaluation Committee using the adopted criteria in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024. Funding recommendations are then presented to the Transportation Authority Board of Directors who approve and program the project awards.

Call for Projects Timeline: The joint Cycle 7 Ped/Bike and Cycle 2 ACR/TDM Calls for Projects was released on June 10, 2024 with applications due August 30, 2024. Click here to access the Joint CFP page

Past Awards: The previous 2022 Call for Projects were awarded in December 2022. View past Pedestrian & Bicycle awards.


Grade Separation Program

Funding Process Overview: The Grade Separation Program Call for Projects allows local jurisdictions, San Mateo County, SamTrans, and the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Boards (JPB) an opportunity to apply for and contend for funding. Candidate grade separation projects must be listed in the 2004 Expenditure Plan to be eligible for funds. Project applications are scored by an Evaluation Committee using the adopted criteria in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024. Funding recommendations are then presented to the Transportation Authority Board of Directors who approve and program the project awards.

Call for Projects Timeline: The next Grade Separation Call for Projects does not have a definitive date at this time and generally occurs every 10 years due to the complex nature of these projects and large dollar values. Projects approved in previous Call for Projects may request funding for the next phase of work on a first come, first served basis.

Past Awards: The previous 2013 Call for Projects were awarded in November 2013. View past Grade Separation Program awards.


Shuttle Program

Funding Process Overview: The Shuttle Program Call for Projects allows for local jurisdictions and/or public agencies within San Mateo County to apply for and contend for funding. Funding for this program is provided jointly from Measure A and City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County. Although a public agency must be the applicant for funds, they may use another entity such as SamTrans, the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance ( or others to manage and/or operate the service. Project applications are scored by an Evaluation Committee using the adopted criteria in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024 along with updates recommended in the 2021 SamTrans/Caltrain Shuttle Study. Funding recommendations are then presented to the Transportation Authority Board of Directors who approve and program the project awards.

Call for Projects Timeline: The next Peninsula Shuttle Program Call for Projects is schedule for Spring 2025. 

Past Awards: The previous Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Call for Projects were awarded in June 2023. View past Shuttle Program awards.

Alternative Congestion Relief & Transportation Demand Management Program

Funding Process Overview: The Alternative Congestion Relief (ACR) and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program is guided by the ACR/TDM Plan which was adopted in January 2022. The ACR/TDM Program includes three competitive categories: (1) Intelligent Transportation Systems Planning and Design Funds; (2) ACR/TDM Planning; and, (3) ACR/TDM Project & Program Funds. Local jurisdictions, San Mateo County,, C/CAG, and other potentially eligible sponsors are able to apply for and contend for funding for up to three projects during each Call for Projects cycle. Project eligibility is confirmed during required pre-application submittal meetings with SMCTA staff and applications are scored by an Evaluation Committee using the adopted criteria in the ACR/TDM Plan. Funding recommendations are then presented to the Transportation Authority Board of Directors who approve and program the project awards.

Call for Projects Timeline: The joint Cycle 7 Ped/Bike and Cycle 2 ACR/TDM Calls for Projects was released on June 10, 2024 with applications due August 30, 2024. Click here to access the Joint CFP page

Past Awards: The previous 2022 Cycle 1 awards were awarded in August 2022. View past ACR/TDM awards.

Regional Transit Connections Program

Funding Process Overview: The Regional Transit Connections (RTC) Program Call for Projects is guided by the RTC Plan that includes a corresponding Capital Improvement Program and set of program guidelines and policies. Eligible projects must meet the requirements established in the RTC Plan to compete for funding in the RTC Program. Only transit agencies, such as those that operate within or to/from San Mateo County (AC Transit, BART, Caltrain, SamTrans, SFMTA, VTA, and WETA) will be eligible sponsors for projects in the RTC Program. The Call for Projects application evaluation criteria identified in the RTC Plan establishes the procedure for Transportation Authority staff to evaluate funding applications for consistency and applicability with the RTC Program’s requirements. Transportation Authority staff will assemble an Evaluation Committee to evaluate project applications each cycle. Funding recommendations are then presented to the Transportation Authority Board of Directors who approve and program the project awards.

Call for Projects Timeline: The Transportation Authority will plan to release Calls for Projects for the RTC Program on a four-year cycle to allow for more certainty in scope and projected costs for larger projects. The first Call for Projects for the program is scheduled for Spring 2025.

Past Awards: RTC Program awards will be updated here as they are released.

Archived Call for Projects

View archived Calls for Projects.