Pedestrian and Bicycles

The purpose of the Measure A and Measure W Pedestrian and Bicycle Program is to fund specific projects to encourage and improve bicycling and walking conditions. Funding can be used for non-infrastructure programs or infrastructure project development and construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities within San Mateo County.

As defined in the 2004 Transportation Expenditure Plan, Measure A provides the Pedestrian and Bicycle Program category with a three percent share of the sales tax revenues collected. Similarly, as defined in the 2018 Congestion Relief Plan, Measure W provides the Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Program category with a five percent share of the sales tax revenues collected. According to the 2020-2024 Transportation Authority Strategic Plan, both measures are projected to produce approximately $179 million in available funding for this program ($42.5 million from the remaining 15 years of Measure A and $136.5 million for the 30 year life of Measure W).


Call for Projects Awards

Projects funded through the FY 2012-2013 Call for Projects (Cycle 1 Project Descriptions)

Projects funded through the FY 2014-2015 Call for Projects (Cycle 2 Project Descriptions)

Projects funded through the FY 2015 Call for Projects (Cycle 3 Project Descriptions)

Projects funded through the FY 2017 Call for Projects (Cycle 4 Project Descriptions)

Projects funded through the FY 2021-2022 Call for Projects (Cycle 5 Project Descriptions)

Projects funded through the FY 2023-2024 Call for Projects (Cycle 6 Project Descriptions)

Projects funded through the FY 2025-2026 Call for Projects (Cycle 7 Project Descriptions)

Complete Streets Workshop & Technical Trainings

At the start of 2022, the TA held a Complete Streets workshop and two technical trainings to promote knowledge sharing with local elected officials, transportation advisory bodies, technical planning/engineering staff, and other active transportation stakeholders regarding best practices in Complete Streets policies, designs, and implementation. Complete Streets is the practice of considering the mobility needs of all roadways users including people who walk, bicycle, scooter, take transit, or drive. The goal of the workshop and trainings was to: (1) enhance safety conditions in San Mateo County; (2) work to promote a multimodal transportation network that serves all users in an equitable manner; (3) improve roadway comfort for people of all ages and abilities; and, (4) encourage competitive projects that can apply for TA funding.

Links to the recordings can be found on the TA's YouTube channel here and the presentation slides can be found below.

Complete Streets Introductory Workshop 

Complete Streets Technical Training: Pedestrian Facilities

Complete Streets Technical Training: Bicycle Facilities