The San Mateo County Transportation Authority

The San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) plans, funds, and delivers transportation programs and projects throughout San Mateo County.

The TA manages the voter-approved Measure A and Measure W sales taxes that generate revenue to help improve transit and relieve congestion. The TA is an independent agency and is governed by an appointed board of seven directors, who are elected officials, representing the county, cities and the San Mateo County Transit District.

Call for Projects

Quick Links

Undercrossing of US 101 in Redwood City
Active 101
Mid County Multimodal Jumbotron
Mid County Multimodal Strategy
Barriers View
Measure W Expenditure Percentages
Measure W
TA Funded Map
Funded Projects Map
101 Express Lanes Project
SM 101 Express Lanes Projects
SM 101 Express Lanes Policy
SM 101 Express Lanes Joint Powers Authority
Measure A Expenditure Percentages
Measure A

Latest News

TA awarded $26.8M for pedestrian, bike projects
A Cruise automated vehicle testing on the streets of San Francisco.
Autonomous Vehicles Green Lit to Navigate SMC
Artist rendering of the newly designed SR 84-US 101 Interchange
TA celebrated $105 million grant for SR84-US101
Online mapping tool for the TA's Active 101 project survey
TA seeks public input sought on Active 101 project
TA bike path funding - SMCTA
101 Corridor Connect Mid-County strategy launched
101 Express Lanes Project
The 101 Express Lanes Community Transportation Benefit is increasing to $200 on a preloaded FasTrak or Clipper Card
The San Mateo County Express Lanes Joint Powers Authority (SMCEL-JPA) is increasing the benef...
TA bike path funding - SMCTA
Fiscal Year 2025 approved budget includes updated format to improve clarity and transparency
The new Fiscal Year 2025 San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) budget goes into effe...
Bay Area Bike to Wherever Days 2024
TA celebrated 30th Bike to Wherever Days
2023 onward, all Board meeting agendas are available on our agenda management platformAny other public meeting agendas (or for all public meeting agendas prior to 2023) are still located and searchable here or at TA Meetings Calendar | SMCTA