The purpose of the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) 2020-2024 Strategic Plan is to provide the policy framework and guidance for implementing both the ongoing Measure A Transportation Programs and the TA administered portion of the new Measure W Congestion Relief Plan.
In 1988, San Mateo County voters approved Measure A, a 20-year half-cent sales tax to fund and leverage additional funding for transportation projects and programs in San Mateo County. The approval of Measure A created the TA to manage and administer the sales tax revenues generated in conformance with the Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP). The 1988 sales tax expired on December 31, 2008. In 2004, the San Mateo County voters reauthorized the Measure A half-cent sales tax and a new TEP for an additional 25 years (from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2033). The TEP describes programs and projects, as identified by the cities, local agencies and citizens of San Mateo County, and includes funding for multiple modes to help meet the County’s transportation needs.
In 2018, the San Mateo County voters approved Measure W, a 30-year half cent sales tax, from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2048, to fund and leverage additional funding for transportation projects and programs in San Mateo County that are consistent with Measure W, which consists of the San Mateo County Congestion Relief Plan. Though the San Mateo County Transit District (District) will be levying the tax and administering investments for 50% of the program with the County Public Transportation Systems category in Measure W’s Congestion Relief Plan, the TA will be responsible for administering the other categories, which make up the remaining 50 percent of the measure: Countywide Highway Congestion Improvements; Local Safety, Pothole and Congestion Relief Improvements including Grade Separations; Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements; and Regional Transit Connections.
The Measure W Congestion Relief Plan also tasks the TA with developing a Strategic Plan to cover the categories it is responsible for administering with broad based public outreach. Work is underway to prepare one Strategic Plan covering the 2020-2024 timeframe that collectively addresses the administration and implementation of Measure A and the portion of Measure W that the TA is tasked with administering.
The TA updates the Strategic Plan every five years to better reflect funded projects and estimate revenue that can support future projects. Based on revenue projected to be received as part of the proposed FY 2020 Budget, each measure will generate approximately $91 million per year for transportation projects in San Mateo County.
Final Strategic Plan 2020-2024(PDF 5.09 MB)
Final Strategic Plan 2020-2024 Appendices(PDF 77.1 MB)