The San Mateo County Transportation Authority and the City of Pacifica, in partnership with the California Department of Transportation, will hold a public environmental scoping meeting on the proposed State Route 1/Calera Parkway Project at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 3 at the Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Drive.
The purpose of the project is to reduce congestion on the segment of State Route 1/Calera Parkway in the City of Pacifica. The segment extends approximately 2,300 feet north of Reina De Mar Avenue to approximately 1,500 feet south of Fassler and Rockaway Beach avenues.
The focus of the meeting will be to determine the scope of the Draft Environment Impact Report/Environmental Assessment to assess the potential environmental effects of the proposed project. The community will be asked for its views regarding the environmental issues to be addressed in the DEIR/EA.
For more information please contact the Transportation Authority at 650-508-6283 or
2/24/2010 - crd3/01/2010 - crd (update)
Media Contact: Christine Dunn, 650-508-6238