San Mateo County Transportation Authority Adopts New Budget


The San Mateo County Transportation Authority’s (TA) Board of Directors unanimously approved a $180.6 million budget at their June Board meeting for the 2024 Fiscal Year (FY).  

This budget includes the estimated receipt of $116.3 million in Measure A funds and $58.1 million in Measure W funds in FY 2024. This represents a projected total increase of $12 million from these funds compared to the FY 2023 budget. 

The Measure A sales taxes collected will help fund projects and programs, including alternative congestion relief, pedestrian and bicycle, local shuttles, streets and highways, grade separations, San Mateo County ferry projects, paratransit and Caltrain. Measure A will also contribute more than $26 million in annual allocations for the improvement and maintenance of local transportation across over 20 cities and unincorporated areas in San Mateo County. 

Measure W revenue will include more than $45 million for countywide highway congestion relief, grade separation, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and regional transit connections. The TA will invest another $11.6 million in annual allocations from Measure W to the 20 cities and unincorporated areas in San Mateo County for projects that promote local transportation access, safety, and roadway rehabilitation.  

The TA FY 2024 budget begins on July 1, 2023 and ends on June 30, 2024. 


About the Transportation Authority (TA): Created to administer Measure A, San Mateo County’s ½ cent sales tax, the TA provides funding for transportation projects and programs in San Mateo County. In 2004, more than 75 percent of San Mateo County voters reauthorize Measure A for an additional 25 years. In 2018, voters approved Measure W, the San Mateo County Congestion Relief Plan an additional ½ cent sales tax. The TA will administer half the revenue of Measure W and the San Mateo County Transit District will administer the other half to fund and implement the Congestion Relief Plan.  

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Media Contact: Randol White, 650-647-3489