San Mateo County Shuttle Program Call for Projects FY 15 & 16

The FY 15 & 16 San Mateo County Shuttle Program Call for Projects is now closed. For a list of applications and funded projects, please click here.

San Mateo County Shuttle Program Overview

The goal of the San Mateo County Shuttle Program is to fund operating projects that meet local mobility needs and/or provide access to regional transit services in San Mateo County. Projects in the ShuttleProgram should contribute to the overall goals of the Measure A Program to reduce commute corridor congestion, make regional connections, enhance safety and meet local mobility needs.

2014 Program Schedule

Application Materials


JointCall for Projects Memo FY 15 & 16(PDF)
Joint Call for Projects Eligibility Criteria List FY 15 &16(PDF)
Non-supplantation of Funds Certification FY 15 & 16(Word)
Existing Shuttles Application FY 15 & 16(Word)
New Shuttles Application FY 15 & 16(Word)
Updated Governing Board Resolution Sample(Word)
Shuttle Call for Projects Presentation (PDF)


C/CAG Funding Agreement Template
TA Funding Agreement Template

Applications are due 5:00 p.m. Friday February 14, 2014.

Submit seven (7) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the application.

Applications may be emailed to and mailed to:

Tom Madalena
555 County Center, 5th Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063

Technical Assistance

SamTrans and the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance are offering optional technical assistance to existing or potential recipients of shuttle funding. The goal of technical assistance is to improve upon existing or proposed shuttle services. Availability of technical assistance is dependent on funding and schedules of SamTrans and Alliance staff. Please express interest in technical assistance by emailing Brian Jackson (Commuter) or Michael Eshleman (Community).

Please note that receipt of technical assistance is not a guarantee of funding.

Technical Assistance Contact Info

Michael Eshleman, SamTrans

Community Shuttles Technical Assistance
(650) 508-6227

Brian Jackson, Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance
Commuter Shuttles Technical Assistance
(650) 588-8170

Call for Projects Contact Info

Joel Slavit, SMCTA
(650) 508-6476

Tom Madalena, C/CAG
(650) 599-1460

Available Resources

San Mateo County Local Shuttle Workshop Presentation(PDF, 2MB)
SamTrans Community Transit Planning and Funding Guidebook(PDF, 424KB)
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 189KB)