Local Shuttle Call for Projects

UPDATE 4/20/2012: The FY2013 and FY2014 Local Shuttle Program Call for Projects is now closed. Applications are being reviewed.


The goal of the Local Shuttle Program is to fund operating projects that meet local mobility needs and/or provide access to regional transit services in San Mateo County. Projects in the Local Shuttle Program should contribute to the overall goals of the Measure A Program to reduce commute corridor congestion, make regional connections, enhance safety and meet local mobility needs. Eligible projects include the operation of shuttle buses that are typically larger than a van, but smaller than a full-sized bus. The 2004 Measure A Expenditure Plan indicates that the project ranking priority will be given to shuttles that connect to Caltrain, BART and ferry terminals, as well as shuttles with contributions from private sources.


Local Shuttle Program Call for Projects
The San Mateo County Transportation Authority and the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County are pleased to announce a combined Local Shuttle Program Call for Projects for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014. The projected available funding is $7 million combined from TA Measure A Shuttle funds and C/CAG Local Transportation Services Program. Applications will be due to C/CAG by 5 p.m. April 16, 2012.

Program Focus
The goal of the Local Shuttle Program is to fund operating projects that provide access to regional transit services and/or meet community mobility needs in San Mateo County, while reducing congestion in commute corridors. Under this Call for Projects, applications will be evaluated jointly by C/CAG and TA using a single set of criteria for both funding sources.

Minimum Requirements
All project applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for this Call for Projects:

  1. Project is located in San Mateo County.
  2. Project is a shuttle service that meets local mobility needs or provides access to regional transit.
  3. Shuttle service must be open to the general public.
  4. Shuttles must be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act
  5. Funding request does not supplant (substitute for) existing funds.
  6. Letter of concurrence/sponsorship from SamTrans certifying that the shuttle does not duplicate fixed route service.
  7. 25% matching funds are required for commuter shuttles; and are a significant consideration for community shuttles.

Existing, expansion and new shuttle services are eligible to apply for funds under this Call for Projects.

Local jurisdictions and/or public agencies are eligible applicants. Employers and private entities are not eligible to apply directly. However, they may partner with a local jurisdiction or public agency which would be the applicant. Sponsoring applicants may contract with other entities, such as SamTrans, the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance or others to manage and/or operate the shuttle service.

A letter of concurrence/sponsorship from SamTrans is required to confirm that the shuttle route(s) will not duplicate SamTrans fixed-route service. Please contact Michael Eshleman, of the SamTrans Operations Planning Department, at eshlemanm@samtrans.com or 650-508-6227, no later than April 2, 2012 to request the letter of concurrence/sponsorship.


Item Date

Call for Projects Issued

March 9, 2012

Application Workshop at SamTrans

March 21, 2012 1:30 p.m.

Project Applications due by 5 p.m. to C/CAG

April 16, 2012 (Monday)

Draft Project List*

May 29, 2012

TA Board Approval *

June 7, 2012

C/CAG Board Approval*

June 14 , 2012

*Dates subject to change, in accordance with the TA and C/CAG Board schedules


An application workshop will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday March 21, 2012 at SamTrans, 2nd floor Bacciocco Auditorium, 1250 San Carlos Ave. in San Carlos. Applications for the Local Shuttle Call for Projects are due to C/CAG by Monday, April 16, 2012 at 5 p.m.


Application Submittals
Applications must be submitted to Tom Madalena via E-mail: tmadalena@co.sanmateo.ca.us or Mail:

Tom Madalena
555 County Center, 5th floor
Redwood City, CA 94063

by Monday April 16, 2012, 5:00 p.m. Late submittals will not be accepted.

Available Funding
A total of $7 million is available for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014. See the table below for the funding breakdown for this Call for Projects. Measure A Program funding for FY2013 & FY2014 is subject to actual revenues collected as part of the Measure A sales tax program and is subject to change.

Estimated Funding Breakdown for FY2013 & FY2014 Local Shuttle Call for Projects

  FY2013 FY2014 Total

Measure A Program (TA)

$3.5 million* $2.5 million $6.0 million

Countywide Congestion Relief Plan – Local Transportation Services (C/CAG)

$0.5 million $0.5 million $1.0 million

Total funds available for Shuttle Call for Projects

$4.0 million $3.0 million $7.0 million

*Dates subject to change, in accordance with the TA and C/CAG Board schedules


Call for Projects Application, Instruction and Guidance and Materials
Accessibility note: The Word documents on this page are required by state and/or federal regulations but can be provided in an accessible form upon request.


Application forms
Existing Shuttle FY13-FY14 Funding Application(DOC, 201KB)
For shuttles which have been in operation for at least one year.

New Shuttle FY13-FY14 Funding Application (DOC, 194KB)
For new shuttle service, or shuttles which have been in operation for less than a year.

Non-Supplantation of Funds Certification (PDF, 8KB)
All applicants are required to submit signed certification that the grant funding received through this Call for Projects will not replace existing funds for the shuttle(s).

Reference information:
FY2013-FY2014 Shuttle Program Call for Projects Guidance and Instructions (PDF, 36KB)
FY2013-FY2014 Shuttle Program Call for Projects Evaluation Criteria (PDF, 89KB)
Sample Letter of Concurrence/Sponsorship (PDF, 53KB)

All applicants (other than SamTrans) must obtain a letter of concurrence/sponsorship from SamTrans to confirm that the shuttle route does not duplicate SamTrans fixed-route service. Please contact SamTrans by April 2, 2012 to request the letter from:

Michael Eshleman
Operations Planning, SamTrans
Phone: 650-508-6227
E-mail: eshlemanm@samtrans.com
Late requests for letters of sponsorship will not be honored.

FY2011-FY2012 Measure A Shuttle Program Funding Recipients (PDF, 15KB)

For More Information
We encourage project sponsors to contact us early in the application preparation process to discuss proposed project(s) and/or receive assistance with project planning and completion of the applications.

Please direct any questions regarding the Local Shuttle Funding Program or the application process to the C/CAG or TA staff contacts listed below.

Tom Madalena | 650-599-1460 | tmadalena@co.sanmateo.ca.us
C/CAG website

Celia Chung | 650-508-6466 | chungc@samtrans.com

3/28/12 - cc/rph/sec