On Friday March 8, Caltrans broke ground on San Mateo County’s first highway express lane system. The project will construct new toll lanes in each direction along a 22-mile stretch of US 101 between Menlo Park and Interstate 380. Express lanes will allow buses and carpools with three or more people to travel for free, and others can travel in the lane for a toll, while maintaining targeted 45 mph traffic flow. [gallery ids="7763,7762,7761,7764,7765,7757,7756,7755,7758,7759" type="slideshow"] The San Mateo US 101 Express Lanes will be operated by the newly formed Bay Area Infrastructure Financing Authority. A Joint Powers Authority will also be formed by the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) and the City and County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) to retain ownership and make policy decisions. “The Express Lanes Project for San Mateo County is an innovative way to alleviate some of the congestion along the 101 corridor in a modern, proven way,” said TA Board Chair Don Horsley. “With our constricted geographical options, providing dedicated bus lanes and specialized HOV lanes along the existing highway area will help ease traffic challenges.” Construction is currently slated to be complete by 2022.
San Mateo US 101 Express Lanes Breaks Ground
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