2024 Joint Cycle 7 Ped/Bike and Cycle 2 ACR/TDM Calls for Projects

The San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) is pleased to announce a Call for Projects (CFP) for both the Pedestrian and Bicycle (Ped/Bike) and Alternative Congestion Relief/Transportation Demand Management (ACR/TDM) Programs. For 2024, the TA will try a new format of conducting a joint CFP with both the Cycle 7 Ped/Bike and Cycle 2 ACR/TDM funding programs. The goal is to reduce the number of CFPs per year that local jurisdiction staff need to prepare for and develop applications while simultaneously reducing the administrative time for the TA to conduct the CFPs. Additional time is being provided to local agencies to complete applications as compared to previous years to account for this change.  

The Cycle 7 Ped/Bike Program will release approximately $19 million in available Measure A and W funds. For capital projects (large and small), all phases of work are eligible for projects that can meet the TA’s timely use of funds requirements. Quick build strategies that improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and comfort are highly encouraged to apply for the small capital project funds. The Planning & Promotions category may fund a wide variety of projects such as corridor implementation or feasibility studies for priority projects (including traffic or parking analysis, initial concept designs, and cost estimating), Vision Zero programs, encouragement activities, public engagement, and more.

The Cycle 2 ACR/TDM Program will release approximately $6 million in available Measure A and W funds. Strategies funded by this program should encourage the use of sustainable transportation options and enhance mobility across San Mateo County. A continued focus of this second CFP is to encourage cities to apply for funding for a Citywide TDM Plan to help identify strategies that cities themselves can lead and get funded from this program. Examples of eligible TDM competitive projects include bike parking, vanpools, wayfinding/signage, transit pass subsidies, E-bike subsidies, micro-mobility subsidies, pedestrian/bicycle crossing treatments near transit, and more. This program also includes separate funding buckets for projects in small/coastal communities and mid/large jurisdictions.


Key Dates

  • Release of CFPs: June 10, 2024
  • Call for Projects Local Agency Staff Workshop: June 13, 2024 from 2-3 pm 
  • Notice of Intent to Submit Surveys Due: July 31, 2024 (See instructions below)
  • Applications Due: August 30, 2024
  • Expected Awards: December 5, 2024


Available Funding

Bike/Ped Program – Approximately $19 million available for Cycle 7

  • Large Capital Projects (Max request up to $2 million) - $12 million
  • Small Capital/Quick Build Projects (Max request up to $1 million) - $6 million
  • Planning & Promotions - $475,000 (Max request up to $100,000)
  • Safe Routes to School - $475,000 (administered by SMCOE)

ACR/TDM Program – Approximately $6 million available for Cycle 2

  • ITS Planning & Design: $2.2 million (Max request up to $200k)
  • TDM Competitive Projects: $3.2 million (Max request up to $200k)
  • TDM Planning: $670,000 (Max request up to $100k)


Application Submittal Instructions

Step 1: Notice of Intent to Submit Survey: Potential applicants for either CFP must fill out the notice of intent to submit survey using the link below with the project name and sponsor agency information no later than July 31, 2024 for each individual potential project application. This will be used to set up a Dropbox account for submission of all materials which will be emailed to primary contact indicated in the survey.

Notice of Intent to Submit Survey Link

Step 2: Optional Pre-Submittal Meetings with TA Staff: Applicants may indicate in the notice of intent to submit survey if they would like to discuss their potential project and/or application with TA staff. Applicants should be prepared to discuss the project overview to determine eligibility, required matching funds, project schedule, etc. Pre-submittal meetings are required if you wish to use the Equity-based reduced match or wish to request potential TA Technical Assistance staff support. Please submit the survey prior to July 3, 2024 for pre-submittal meeting requests.

Step 3 – Upload and Confirm: Applicants must submit one electronic copy of the completed application with all required attachments by uploading all materials to a specific Dropbox link that will be provided. Completed applications must be received no later than August 30, 2024 by 4:00 PM. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check with TA staff to confirm the receipt of applications prior to the submission deadline.


Cycle 7 Ped/Bike Application Materials 

Cycle 2 ACR/TDM Application Materials 


Contact Information

For general application questions, please contact:

  • Patrick Gilster, Director of Planning & Fund Management
  • Email: gilsterp@samtrans.com 
  • Phone: 650-207-5643 
